FREE P&P on Weleda… until Easter Monday

FREE P&P on my Weleda Web Shop this Easter Weekend – until midnight Monday 1st April.

“Increasingly often in the beauty industry it can be hard to identify which products are genuinely sustainable, natural or organic. The cosmetics market is flooded with ‘nature inspired’ products that, in truth, have very little natural goodness in them and do even less good for the planet. In an ocean of greenwash, how can we be sure that the products we buy are the real deal? At Weleda we adopt only the gold standards of ethical and sustainable practices, setting new benchmarks and driving the change within the beauty and health sectors. Our certifications are independently awarded, globally recognised and rigorously verified.”

That’s why I love Weleda.💚

If you have any questions on which products are suitable for your skin type/concern or are new to Weleda… please get in touch and I’ll happily help!


Love your body and mind

“Love your body and mind.”

Sometimes we don’t give ourselves permission, or make enough time to experience complete relaxation. For some reason we listen to what we think we should be doing, rather than what our bodies are craving… 

Taking care of our health and wellbeing has never been more important, especially during these stressful times! It requires daily attention and regular maintenance in order for us to feel in harmony and at peace with ourselves.

If you’re holding a lot of muscular tension, feeling stressed/overwhelmed and it’s affecting your daily life, then having regular treatments will help to ease muscular tension, calm the nervous system and nurture your body and mind.

If you are unsure of which treatment best suits your needs, then please do get in touch and I’ll happily help.


Christmas Wishes and a Peaceful New Year

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank those which have supported me over the past year – It really means a lot to me.♡

During these uncertain times not only is our physical health important but looking after our mental wellbeing has become a priority for most of us. So I’ll look forward to continually offering you a space in maintaining your wellbeing needs – easing muscular tension; reducing stress and just taking time away from your daily routine to experience some calmness…

May you all have a joyful Christmas and Peaceful 2022, full of laughter with many happy moments. Now time for a rest and I will be back bright and bushy eyed on 4th January.
However, should you need any last minute Gift Vouchers or stocking fillers – then please get in touch.

Mairead x

Thoughtful And Local Gifting ideas… this Christmas🌲

If you’re wishing to support local and looking for a thoughtful experience for a friend, loved one or even for yourself this Christmas…

Then I offer Gift Vouchers so you can come and experience a treatment of your choice – according to your individual needs.

Just a little reminder – there’s still time to work on those achy shoulders and de-stress the body and mind before you settle into the festive period! My last day to offer you a space is Thursday 16th December.

However, should you require any last minute Gift Vouchers or Weleda stocking fillers – then please do get in touch.🌲🌲🌲

Thanks, Mairead x

Selfcare… at Christmas

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During this busy festive period, we’re often so focused on getting the correct gifts for others that we can totally forget and neglect ourselves, meaning when Christmas arrives we’re left feeling totally exhausted and lacking in energy!

Taking time to slow down and make time for yourself is vital, otherwise things past by and you miss all those little moments.

If you would love some quiet time to yourself and really in need of something to soothe those niggly aches and pains; with the added bonus of relaxation – then get in touch so I can give you advice on the best treatment suitable for you. In the meantime you can have a look to see which treatments you fancy!

Mairead x

Thoughtful Giving…


If you’re looking for a thoughtful experience for a friend, loved one or even for yourself this Christmas…
Then I offer Gift Vouchers – to come and enjoy a treatment of your choice!

Just a little reminder – there’s still time to enjoy a treatment! My last day to offer you space away from the busiest of the festive period is Tuesday 18th December.
However, should you require any last minute Gift Vouchers or Weleda stocking fillers – then please do get in touch.🌲🌲🌲


Thanks, Mairead x

Christmas gifting…


Remember you make a real difference when you support a small business who really cares about it’s customers. It makes me smile inside and out!! So when your shopping this Christmas please support local.

Why not let me take the stress out of your shopping by choosing from a selection of hand picked Christmas stocking fillers from Weleda or indulge in a well deserved treat for yourself!

Gift vouchers are available… for a treatment or amount – with something to suit all! Have a look on my website and see what tickles your fancy! If you have any questions contact me and I will happily help!

Mairead x

#shoplocal #supportlocal #wellbeing

Seasonal offer… receive a £5 Gift Voucher


As it’s December, this means all things festive… pine trees, twinkly lights, the aroma of cinnamon and shopping for those carefully selected gifts! However, we often get so caught up on the chaos – that we forget to take a little time for yourselves… to enjoy some relaxation.

This Christmas experience an Indonesian Massage – an eastern style treatment offering complete balance within the mind, body and soul, using the spicy aroma of ginger and exotic heady scent of jasmine essential oils. This massage not only restores vitality but will leave you feeling… in a deep meditative state!

So if your in need of a couple of hours to escape to restore a busy mind and achy body then this is the perfect treatment for you!

With every Indonesian Massage booked you will receive a £5 Gift Voucher* to use off any treatment. *

*Offer valid until 18th December 2017
*Gift Voucher valid until 1st February 2018

If you would like to make an appointment or have any questions please get in touch and will happily assist you.

Mairead x